Season’s Greetings

Happy Boxing Day, everyone!

We made it through another Christmas at Chez Counte – no mean feat – and are looking forward to a better 2014. And I have reason to be optimistic; I saw a white rabbit on Christmas Eve. I had to stop the vehicle so as not to run over it. It was confused, and hopped this way and that before hopping into the woods. This was not a domesticated rabbit on the lam, it was a wild rabbit that was white. Very cool. 

This morning, I ran into town to pay some bills before the storm hits this afternoon. It was already snowing, though, and the kid in front of me slid in a turn. It would normally have been no big deal, but we’re recovering from a major ice storm, and there are slabs of ice piled up where they cleared the roads. He slid sideways into a frozen pile, and it just popped his truck into the air. He landed on his roof. He seemed none the worse for wear and tear, but it did a number on his truck. It’s was only 5 degrees F outside, so I let him sit in my vehicle until his folks came. By the time I returned, the police were there, and the wrecker was trying to right his truck. I mention this mostly because we’ve had some awful weather for driving, but it doesn’t seem to slow people down. Just two days ago, on snow covered roads, after dark, I was in a line of traffic going 45mph in a 50mph zone. Someone passed all five of us at once, up a hill. There is no place you need to be that is worth risking your life or the lives of your passengers or other motorists. Please be safe out there!

That was a disjointed post, but you get what you pay for around here. Peace to you in this Holiday Season, and a Happy and Safe New Year.